Use the Forms section from the top navigation bar to complete or view online forms. The filters at the top will narrow down your search:
Select Type/Application or All
Select Category
Change the date range by clicking 3 mo or 6 mo, or by changing the date range.
Saved Forms
Filter by Completed or Deleted forms in the Saved section. If you created the form or have an Administrator login, you can click the Edit icon to make changes to forms or the red X to Delete (forms that have been tied to other applications such as Student Portfolio or Appraisals cannot be deleted).
The Approvals button displays all forms within the approval path.
The Assigned section includes any forms that your login is responsible for approving.
Drafts allow you to go in and edit forms that were not yet submitted.
In Process shows the status of the form within the approval chain.
Completed forms list all those that were approved.
Deleted lists any form deleted within the timeframe.
Clicking the Edit icon next to a form name opens the form where you can make changes; click the green history link at the top for more details.
Select Back to return to the Forms screen.
New Forms
Select the New Form icon (top right) to complete a stand alone form in FormWorks (any template not attached to another DMAC application such as Student Portfolio).
Narrow the list by typing a partial name and click Find.
View all forms or just those with or without approval paths using the Approval Required radio buttons on the right.
If a form requires an Approver, the name is listed in the Approver column.
Click the green + icon to fill out a form.
Complete the form and click Save. A pop up box appears allowing you to rename the form.
If an approval path exists, you will have another box asking if you’d like to Submit for approval or save it for later.
Forms that were not submitted, include an Action icon on the top right. To Submit a form for approval, verify your email address, select the Approver, enter Comments (required) and click Save.
Click the Back icon (top right) to return to the Forms page.