Select Campus, Teacher or Class tab:
The tabs reflect the scope or group of students for which reports will be available.
Campus - data by specific campus
Teacher - data by Teacher(s)
Class - data by Class(es)
Select Source, Subject, Curriculum, and Language using drop-down menus. If on Campus Tab, use the drop-down menu to select the desired campus.
Subject - Area tested
Curriculum - Grade of subject area or EOC curriculum tested
Language - Language tested
The selected Source determines which students will be included. Select from the following:
Admin - Displays all students who were at the location when the test was administered (campus tab)
Current - Displays data for students currently enrolled
Snapshot - Displays students at the location for fall snapshot (campus tabs)
Select Campus, Teacher(s) or Class(es)
Identify Test Type and Tests.
TEKScore - Tests created in TEKScore. Multiple TEKScore tests may be selected. The SE information from all the selected tests are aggregated together.
Click Reset to start over on the selection(s).
Select Subcluster Intervention Report
Click Generate or Print