News & Updates
DMAC Software is ever-changing based on requests from Texas educators. Below are some highlights. Don't forget to also use the notification bell after logging in for the latest and greatest.
Visit our Applications page in Resources to learn more about using each piece in DMAC.
Time Tested Report
Generate a report to show how long a student took on an online assessment in TEKScore.

Accessibility Features | TEKScore
Large mouse pointer and color overlay accessibility features available in TEKScore Online Testing.

Early Childhood and TAG
Early Childhood bundled tests, including by Skill Set, are in the TAG Test Library.

Student Document Report
Teachers and administrators can print student reports that display the strategies used during online assessments.

Extended Text Reports
View student ECR and SCR data in TEKScore Instructional ECR Performance reports (available for District, Campus and Teacher level accounts).

STAAR Standards TEKScore
Customize STAAR performance standards in TEKScore test keys for local assessments. View the results in Performance Summary reports.

Spell Check Support
The Spell Check testing support is available to assign to individual students to use with Online Testing.

High Focus Group | Student Portfolio
Create a group to monitor your high focus students in Student Portfolio.

Student Strategies
View test stratgies or supports a student utilized during online tests and how many times they were used.

Score Like STAAR
Score like STAAR in TEKScore! Online tests that are created in TAG and exported to TEKScore have the ability to be scored like STAAR.

Data Export | Student Groups
Check the option to show Student Groups in the Data Export application to see any custom groups created in DMAC.

Learning Plans | Committees
Committees Use Settings in Learning Plans to create Committee Groups that can be added to meetings for RtI and ALP.

DMAC & HB1416
In DMAC, utilize the State Assessment application to identify students who are in need of supplemental instruction (based on their previous two year STAAR scores).

State Assessment & STAAR Reports
When reviewing yearly STAAR assessments, or looking at accountability for your school, DMAC can help!