If you have already started a plan in PlanWorks, when you enter the application it will ask to continue editing the previous plan. If not, you can search for or start new plans by clicking Search/New from the top navigation bar.
Use the filters at the top to locate existing plans by School Year, Plan Name or Progress.
Print one or more plans by placing a checkmark next to them and selecting the Print icon or save .pdf copies of multiple plans with the Download icon.
Individual Plan Icons
Edit - View or make changes to a plan.
Copy - Create a copy of an existing plan.
Delete - Delete a plan from the list. Plans can be restored after deleting. On the bottom right of the page, click the Show Deleted link to restore plans.
Create New Plans
Select the New icon (top right).
Enter a Name and select the Type/Location from the drop-down (this will be the title of the plan). Check Use alternate text in the plan for this location, to create a custom name for the plan, if desired.
Identify the School Year using the drop-downs.
Enter Date Reviewed and Date Approved (optional).
Select Title I (N/A, Schoolwide or Targeted Assistance)
(Optional) - Check the box to use the Effective School Framework (ESF)
Check Lock plan if you only want specific users to access the plan. Click the add users link to identify which DMAC logins can view the plan. If not locked, any District/Campus Managers and User level logins can access the plan.
Click Save.
Adding Pages
After creating and saving a new plan, the first page you see is the Plan Overview.
Add pages by selecting the + icon on the left.
Select one or more pages and click the Add button. The Vision, Resources, Custom, Attachments and Forms sections can be added to your plan more than once.
When selecting pages, click Add to My Pages for them to appear on the Overview page of your login and for them to be accessible with the Filter icon next to Pages.
Pages added to your plan appear on the left. Drag and drop the titles to change the order.
Edit Pages
Click a page name from the left menu to make changes to that section. Icons appearing on the top right are specific to that page.
Check the Complete icon when you have finished a page. The icon will appear green after it’s checked and this will indicate a completed status on the plan’s Checklist.
To remove a page from a plan, click the Delete icon.
Print individual pages with the Print icon.
Some pages will have additional information you can select with the Settings icon.