Sitebase Committee
The Sitebase page template allows you to enter members of the Sitebase Committee responsible for developing and carrying out your school’s plan.
On the top of the page, select the [rename] link to give the page a custom name.
Use the area on the top to Search for Staff or Teachers who have DMAC logins. Search by partial first or last names and click Find. Use the + icon next to a name to add them to the member list. Update their position/title (optional) and click Add.
To add Members who are not an employee of the district, click the add Other Member icon; enter their First/Last Name and Position (e.g., parent) and click Add.
The total number of Members added appear on the left of the page. Names already added to the list appear gray when searching for staff.
Click the dots next to a name to drag and drop or rearrange the order of names.
Use the X icon next to a name to remove them from the list or update a position.