Demographic Reports
Generate Demographic Reports by District and Campus.
Indicators - Select None to customize report options. Select State to generate Demographic Indicator Reports (Accountability).
Select a tab to create reports by Grade, Subject, Curriculum or Statewide.
Don’t forget to identify demographic groups on the left (defaults to All Students).
By Grade – select Subject in Options; report generated for all grades that are tested in that Subject.
By Subject – choose Grade in Options; report generated for all Subjects tested in that Grade.
By Curriculum – choose Subject in Options; report generated for all grades that are tested in that Curriculum.
Statewide – choose Subject/Curriculum in Options; report generated comparing District/Campus – Region – State.
Indicators - This tab is grayed out until the State indicator radio button is selected on the left. This locks down all reporting options to generate reports based on criteria given by the state.
*For more detail about selecting report options, see the Report Basics video