User Restrictions
District Administrators have the ability to update district-wide settings.
From the top navigation bar, select User Restrictions.
This page allows District Admins to view and update user restrictions for generating reports in State Assessment.
You can combine By Role and By User settings to apply both conditions simultaneously.
Click Save after making any changes. To clear all restrictions, click the Reset icon in the top-right corner.
Enabling Restrictions:
Select Yes from the “Enabled” drop-down menu.
Choose either:
By Role: Restrict or allow based on user roles.
By User: Restrict or allow specific individual users.
By Role:
Choose Allow or Restrict from the drop-down menu.
A list of user roles is displayed.
Select at least one role from the list.
Example: Restricting Teachers - If you choose to restrict “Teachers,” they will not be able to access reports.
By User:
Choose Allow or Restrict from the drop-down menu.
Select one or more individuals from the Select Users list.
Click Save to apply changes.
Restricting by Date:
Choose a Begin Date and End Date.
The restrictions only apply during this time period.
If not selected, the restrictions remain active until changed or disabled.
District Administrators and District Managers can update settings for Accountability Reports:
From the Settings drop-down, select Accountability.
Choose a Year and a Campus to update settings.
Required Settings:
Campus Type
Lowest Grade
Highest Grade
Number of Students in grades 3-12
The CCMR and Graduation Rates saved on this page are reflected in the Beta Demographic reports that can be accessed by any district user.