Student Portfolio
The Forms section of Student Portfolio is integrated with DMAC's FormWorks® application and is only functional if your school:
1. Purchase FormWorks for your campus.
2. Created Templates (forms) in FormWorks that are attached to Student Portfolio.
Click Add new to fill out forms and attach them to a student's record.
When adding a new form, use the drop-down to locate the form name.
Note: If the form is not appearing on your list, open FormWorks and ensure it is attached to the Portfolio application.
View forms by All, Portfolio, PGP-I, PGP-HS, Learning Plans or SSI with drop-down filter.
Choose to Print All forms or individuals by selecting the or icons at the top of the columns or to the left of individual files.
Use Sort By filter to sort the list.
Print all Forms.
Edit or Delete Forms (based on user access or if you created the form).