Individual Student Portfolio
Student Portfolio
To view a student’s individual portfolio, click on the to the far right of the name on the Student Search page.
The student’s name appears at the top of the screen with gender, date of birth, age and local ID.
Tabs along the left for Charts, Student Info, Data, Plans, Supports, Notes, Files, Forms and Audit.
Clicking icons (top right) of a student's portfolio opens a pop-up window.
Students select another student without leaving the individual portfolio view (from most recent search) Student Info Student demographic information and class schedule
Data Available assessment data including: National (MAP); State (STAAR/TELPAS); Local (TEKScore); Reading (TPRI/Tejas LEE) Plans Student plans (Learning Plans, PGP-HS, PGP Intervention and SSI)
Print Print comprehensive summaries of students’ historical data. Select items to print and choose to either print for all students, a selected group of students or one student at a time
The tabs along the left of an individual Student Portfolio allow you to view or add documentation to a student's record.
Charts is the default tab when entering a student's record.