Student Search
Student Portfolio
Select Portfolio tab to search within Student Portfolio. Choosing Plans, PGP-I or PGP-HS will bring you to the search screens for each application.
Click Show Groups to view or manage custom groups.
Use filters on the left to locate students (i.e., Campus, Grade, Plan Year and/or Local ID - or search for students by their First or Last Name (including partial names).
Click Search. Student names appear on the right.
Click Reset to remove selections.
The total number of students in a search displays on the bottom left and at the top of the Students column (up to 250 students appear on each page).
Use navigation on the bottom left to navigate through students or the Sort By section on the top right to change the order.
The check icon will indicate if a student has Testing Supports or plans (Learning Plans, PGP-I and PGP-HS). Click the icon to go directly to those pages.