Edit Tests
TAG Test Item Bank
There are two screens when creating tests. 1) Adding/Searching for items and 2) Edit, reorder items.
Any time you place a checkmark next to an item, it is automatically added and saved to a test; uncheck the item to remove it.
Test icons (next to test name)
Preview - preview the entire test.
Print - save the test as a PDF or print a copy.
Key - view or print test key.
Edit - reorder test items or share with others (opens new screen).
Settings - change the name of the test, modify directions or keywords.
Top right:
ABC/SE button - view or filter the percentages of SEs based on search results.
New - add original User items to TAG (visible to Admins and individual login only).
New Screen (After Clicking Edit)
The Edit icon to the right of a test name is another way to view items attached to a test.
Reorder test Items, Passages, or Graphics. Drag and drop and click Save order if you make changes.
If you click the Delete icon, it will remove the content from the test (not the test library).
Use icons in the gray preview, and copy or remove passages from the test.
Share - share the test with others at your school.
ABC/SE - view percentages of SEs on the selected test.
Add - return to the Test Items screen to filter and add items to the test.
View - preview of the whole test.
Key - view/save or print a copy of the test key.
Export - Export test key to TEKScore.
List - return to Test Seach screen.