Collect Data
The power of TEKScore lies within the collecting and reporting of local assessment data for students. Once you have a test key setup in TEKScore, collect student answers through the following methods.:
Online Testing is by far the quickest and easiest way to get student data and real-time results. With this method, students can sign in online to enter their answers. They will see the test questions and any assigned testing supports or accessibility features. Test keys must come from the TAG application to use for online testing with TEKScore. As soon as students click the Score button on an assessment, teachers have access to the data via their Dashboards and 1-click reports.
The Student Response System works similarly to online testing; however, the biggest difference is that the students do not see passages or test questions. Instead, they see something similar to what would be printed on a test form. This includes the bubbles to multiple choice/single response items and numeric questions.
From the Responses - Manual option of the top navigation bar, locate test keys and groups of students to manually enter their answers. For example, this can be done for students who were absent or it's also a great way to collect data for those early grades K through 2. If the students are not ready for Online Tests, have them complete the information on paper and then quickly enter their answers. This opens up a whole new world of data and reporting even in the youngest grades.
If you're wanting to collect answers on paper, print test forms on Plain Paper
Plain Paper Answer documents are set up on standard printer paper. Use almost any type of scanner or copier to scan in the results as long as they meet the basic criteria:
Paper Size: Letter (8.5 x 11 in)
File Type: Multi-Page Tiff (.tif)
Resolution: 300 x 300 dpi
Scan Type: Black & White