Once students have clicked the score button on an online assessment, teachers can open their Dashboards in TEKScore for real-time results.
Utilize the TEKS Map in the middle of the dashboard to view performance by subject and performance. Click individual squares to drill-down. Right-click to drill up.
The larger the square, the more it was tested and the colors indicate performance with green as a higher score and red lower.
View individual results by student by clicking the Students button to the left of the TEKS MAP in the test view.
The District and Campus Dashboards are only available for district and campus-level DMAC logins. To access the Dashboard in TEKScore - click on Dashboard from the top navigation bar, or click view Dashboard.
Campuses - Access Campus Dashboards by clicking on the name of the campus.
Performance Map: All Tests - Click on the name of the Content Area to drill down to:
Grade Level
Campus (opens in a new tab)
Teacher (opens in a new tab)
Click Drill Up to return to previous Map.