Manage Online Sessions
Manage sessions in TEKScore by clicking Responses and Online Sessions from the top navigation bar.
Select the test from the menu on the left. The Status icons are clickable filters.
Click Score to force score tests that are active, cancelled or deleted.
Click the Refresh button at the top for real-time updates.
As students click the score button, the green check icon appears next to their names.
If the test has rubric-based items that need to be scored, their scores are highlighted in red with a warning icon. Click on the Rubrics button at the top to enter scores.
Click by the test name to view the percent scored as well as the online Test ID number.
Click the individual icons next to a student’s name for the following:
Test Audit -- View details such as when a student signed in to a test
Reset -- Reset access so a student can sign into that test
Delete -- Delete test record so a student can retake or restart a test
Cancel -- Take away a student’s access to a test
Preview -- View results from a student’s assessment
District Roles
District Administrators/Managers can view and edit student sessions for the entire district. A district user cannot access a student session unless the user is the test key author or an assigned editor.
A user can access a student session for a test key if the user:
created the test key (author).
was granted access to edit the test key (editor).
Campus Roles:
A Campus Administrator/Manager can edit student sessions if:
the student has selected a teacher/class at the same campus as the user OR;
the student has not selected a teacher/class but the student is currently enrolled at the same campus.
A Campus User cannot access a student session unless the user is the test key author or an assigned editor.
A teacher can edit a student session if:
the student has selected the teacher/class for the session (coded teacher) OR;
the student is currently enrolled in at least one of the teacher’s classes (class roster) OR;
the teacher is the author or assigned editor of the test key.