Manual Data Entry
From the top navigation bar in TEKScore, click Responses > Manual.
For example, this can be done for students who were absent or it's a great way to collect data for those early grades K through 2. This opens up a whole new world of data and reporting even in the youngest grades.
Select a test on the left. Use the filter to narrow the list, or hover over each test for a date and description.
In the Students column, use the magnifying glass icon to find a class by selecting a campus, teacher, semester, and class.
Students appear in the column after choosing the class. Click the red x to close the pop-up window.
Select a student’s name on the list to enter their responses; click the Score button.
Once scored, a line appears through the student’s name, and their information populates on the top right. Click on the View button to open a new tab with the student document.