Online Settings Tab
From the Online tab of the Test Key, the following options are available:
Online Status
Click the Enable or Disable button to manage access to online tests.
Session Settings
Require secure browser (software required) – follow these steps to utilize the Respondus LockDown Browser.
Allow students to see test results – Students see a message that tells them they got 9 out of 10, 5 out of 20, etc. based on how they answered.
Allow students unlimited sign-in attempts – Students sign in as many times as needed until the Score button is selected at the end of an assessment. This feature cannot be used in conjunction with the secure lockdown browser.
Do not automatically disable manual sessions – online tests remain active past the default of five days. Manually enable or disable access at any time.
Accessibility Features
Guidelines – Hover over and highlight one line of text at a time. Lock or unlock the position.
Highlighter – Highlight individual words or phrases.
Dictionary – Look up the definition of a word.
Calculators – Three models of calculators by Texas Instruments are available for all grade levels along with a Desmos graphing and scientific calculator (test mode available). Select desired models from the drop-downs.
Large Mouse Pointer - Resize and recolor the mouse pointer.
Color Settings - Color Setting allows students to adjust a screen to a different background and or font color.
STAAR Resources
Grade 3 - 8 STAAR Reference Materials for Math and Grade 8 Science.
Scheduled Sessions
Create specific testing windows for when students can access a test.
Notice the Test ID in parenthesis. This number is unique to each online assessment and remains the same each time it is enabled or disabled.