Create custom queries using the Search menu from the top navigation bar. Always remember that “less is more” - the fewer criteria selected, the more documents are displayed in the results.
Search Fields
From the Test Search page, identify at least one of the following fields: Test, Campus, Teacher, or Student.
Test - The Year displays the current school year; select a test from the drop-down or use the filter to narrow the list.
Teacher - The scored teacher is who was selected for an online test or form; the Current teacher is tied to a student via the most recent Class Roster data file.
Result - Select Passed (yes or no); or enter a range of scores.
Location - campuses displayed depend on the user profile. For a district account, all campuses appear. Otherwise, only the user's campus is searchable.
Student - enter a Student ID; select a grade level (currently enrolled); or, enter partial or full last/first names.
Scoring - enter the name of the DMAC login who scored the student document or the date range when the document was scored.
Demographics - Choose either Scored Demographics (at the time the document was pre-coded) or Current Demographics (may be different if the Class Roster has been updated).
Search Results
Click on the headers to sort columns.
The total number of documents from the search is listed on the bottom right. Use the page sliders on the bottom left to see all results.
Click on individual icons to the right of each test document to:
Preview - view and modify test information.
Print - View or print test information.
Delete - delete a test document. Users can only delete documents they personally scanned or manually scored (or have an Admin/Manager login).
Check next to one or more documents (or all from the top of the column) to use the icons on the top right for the following:.
Web Edit - edit and filter documents with errors, compare to plain paper scan and view audit history.
Print - print documents seen on the screen or batch print student documents for the selected students.
Report - generate custom reports with selected students based on the search..
Export - export .txt or .csv files with more information based on search results.
Edit - batch edit selected documents.
Delete - delete selected documents.
New - click this icon to manually create a new test document for students..
Search - click this icon to return to the Search page.
Batch Edit Documents
Make changes to multiple documents with the Edit Wizard:
From the Search Results screen, choose the Edit icon (top right).
Identify the test Key to edit by choosing the Test Key Code.
Check the specific documents for all (top of column) or selected students.
Select the type of changes (replace test key/class or update demographics).
Click Save.
NOTE: Editing is only available for documents that you have created, scanned, or scored unless you have an administrator-level DMAC login.