Search for Teachers
Use the filters on the left to view teachers by school year and campus. Or, filter by All, Assigned Teachers, or those requiring or not requiring observations.
District-level appraisers need to pick a campus from the drop-down.
Teachers appearing on the left with their names grayed out have NOT activated their T-TESS accounts. This has to be done before appraisers can create any walkthroughs or observations.
If a Teacher’s name appears in Red, this means that they do not currently require an observation for that school year. (although, you still have the ability to add them, if desired).
A check icon indicates the Teacher has completed some or all of their GPSD plans.
Create & Manage Documentation
Click on the teacher’s name to view their files.
Select the star icon to the right of a teacher’s name to assign them to your appraiser account. The icon appears green when selected.
Click the Y or N toggle to select if an Observation is required for the selected Teacher.
To view sections of the GSPD plans, click on the check icons at the top of the page. Green indicates completed and gray denotes missing information.
Click TIA and enter TIA Calculation.
Select Subject, Grade Level, and Appraiser.
Enter the percentage of Students who Met or Exceeded Expected Growth and weights (must equal 100).
Click Publish to publish or Save to save as a draft to complete late. Click the blue arrow to return to the dashboard.
Use the New button on the top right to create documents for pre-conference, informal walkthroughs, and observations, complete custom FormWorks® forms, upload walkthroughs or other documentation, and email the selected teacher.
The Activity link provides a listing of all actions tied to the teacher.
Select the Emails link to see a history of emails sent.
Use the Uploads to add any supporting documentation.
The Teacher's page lists all documentation as it’s entered throughout the school year--defaulting to the ALL tab.
View documents by Pre-Conference, Walkthroughs or Observations. The number circled in gray indicates how many of each category are attached to the account.
Pre-Conferences appear with an orange square icon to the left of the date, Walkthroughs have a gray square, Observations have a blue icon and a Final Observation will have a green square.
Dates: Not Bold denotes the document has been viewed by the teacher; Bold indicates the teacher has not viewed the document; Asterisk (*) - Document counts towards the final observation.
Click the Print icon to the right of each document to print or view information. Click Yes to include the Observation Evidence Sheet.
Teachers and Appraisers can use the icons to the right of each document to Print, Edit, Delete or Preview (depending on the user role).
Once published and signed documents become READ ONLY.
Each document needs signatures by both the Appraiser and Teacher. Track them by seeing which have a green checkmark in the Signed columns (reports also available).
Clearing Signatures - Appraisers can only make changes to a document that has been labeled 'Read only' if BOTH the Appraiser and Teacher have cleared out their signatures.